I don't care for Imus and never have. But, good God, people, grow some skin. Whatever happened to "sticks n' stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Chris Rock has made his career doing the same thing and far worse, as have other comedians and countless rappers. We've got far greater problems going on in the world, yet we're worried someone may get "offended"?? Puh-leeze. And you've got the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton heading the censorship circus? Don't EVEN get me started on that hate-monger and media whore.

I just wanna know when it became taboo in the country I thought I knew to say whatever's on one's mind...good, bad, or ugly? BTW, had the context been reversed, you wouldn't hear jack about it, and if the target were white Christian Republican males, then that group would've been told to grow some skin, too. People, let's get over it and move on, huh?

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)