Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Speaking of O'Reilly...anyone see that spat where he went batshit on douchebag Geraldo Rivera over that drunk driving incident?

I tell ya, you're a serious asshole when the douchebag looks more rational. Ouch.

Yeah I saw that. It was about as authentic as pro wrestling.

Ronnie would have believed it when he was 12 then...... ;\)

You damn right I would have. I would save up on my allowance to buy up the PPV title bout!

Bill "The Invincible Irishman" O'Reilly versus Geraldo "The Moustache" Rivera in a title-match where the loser has to retire from appearing on TV.

The buyrates from people wanting O'Reilly off TV, and from people who want Geraldo to actually pay for the Capone Vault mishap, would outpace Wrestlemania this year.