Finally!!! This episode kept my interest throughout. While most of the regulars were absent this week, I think the attention was drawn to mostly Tony and his feelings about aging, family, and not really knowing how he'll end up.

It started out good from his arrest (btw what is a hollow point bullet and why is it worse than any other?)

Also, When Carm was telling about the 3 year old drowning (per Tony's request), Tony said, "I can't get that story out of my mind, I don't know why." I wonder if that's perhaps a sign of something to come. Will someone drown?

The monopoly game turned out to be a disaster though. Tony's age seemed to be really bothering him (obviously). He later said that he lost his footing and that's why Bobby "won". I will have to check it again, because I didn't notice he lost his footing.

I think someone else implied,and I agree that Bobby really had no choice but to kill that kid in the laundramat, or he'd be dead meat. Good point about the hidden camera, and I too wonder about Bobby's ripped shirt. I don't see Bobby as a cold blooded killer (obviously I'm wrong)

The two guys that Tony/Bobby were making the pill deal with though, I'm wondering if they might be some kind of plant. I don't know that I'd trust them for some reason.

Don't know if it's because this is the last season, or because it's been so damn long since I've seen a new episode, or if I'm just darn easy to please, or if it was just good, but I did enjoy this episode.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon