Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
I ended up tripping on the second to last staircase we had to go through. It was dark, and my mind was focused on other things - actually, I think I was listening in on someone chatting with a friend about the Cardinals' record - and I thought I was at the end of the steps when I wasn't. I ended up falling, and I messed my ankle up. I don't guess I twisted it, but something didn't land the right way. I was able to walk on it, but with a limp, and it's now swollen. I am just so grateful it wasn't worse. I may not be an athlete, but I still like using my feet. Anyway, how exciting for all of this to happen at a baseball stadium!

The Gangster BB Times

Leaving the Astro's game Saturday I noticed all the usuals after a ball game. The Astros got their first win thus the crowd's mood was one of celebration. Empty plastic beer bottles were plentiful and the smell of peanut shells, old hot dogs and nachos filled my nose.
I noticed a certain superfan making her way to the exit with the help of her compatriots. She was badly hobbled and had the look of a warrior after a great battle. I noticed her limp and could not help but TRY and get a few words out of her....

--Excuse me, are you a player...(I asked)

No, no, I just crush a lot.(she replied)

--Well, that ankle looks bad. Are you really shook up about it?

It's been a pretty emotional few days for all of us considering Jeff[Bagwell's retirement ceremony] and now us finally getting a win today. You just gotta go out there and give 110 every time, we'll see what happens.

--Yes, well your ankle specifically...are you going to 'B' ready for the next game?

Well, watching Roy O's complete game inspired all of us today....you just gotta put these things behind you and move on.

--Do you think your injury will effect the team's performance?

My boys are tough, man. This team is all heart, we're not gonna let a little ankle injury bog us down.

--Does it hurt, are you in great pain right now?

Yes, but I've got a whole bunch of Zeppelin videos at home to watch that I've never seen, so...it's all gravy, baby.

--Will we hear anything more about the injury....?

......But just as I tried to get that last awnser out of her, a large Italian man named Bruno shuffled me aside and the interview was over as quickly as it began. Apparently the hobbled superfan had to rush home to do stat homework and eat Americone-Dream ice cream.

Ah well, the life of a superfan. So rare to actually find one in public and even rarer to get a few words out of them. This reporter shall treasure this interview forever. Here's to the superfan.


Gina, are you OK?!?!?!?!? \:\( \:o