Thanks, ladies! \:\)

SB, here's hoping both our teams are headed for a turnaround of some sort, hopefully sparked by their recent wins.

What an eventful day today was!!

I went to tonight's Astros game, which ended up being our first win of the season! I would've mentioned earlier that I was going, but I was super-superstitious in their current condition, so I didn't want to say a thing.

Anyway, the game was great. It was beautiful just to be back in Minute Maid after a whole offseason away, but the win made it so much sweeter. We got to witness homers by Carlos Lee and Lance Berkman, the first of the season for both, and Oswalt pitched a terrific complete game. I get the feeling he was not about ready to pass it over to the bullpen - we're better off with him handling the whole thing himself.

Not only did this game have an emotional impact on me as it always does, this time, it had a physical impact. We chose the stairs over the escalators to leave the ballpark, and I ended up tripping on the second to last staircase we had to go through. It was dark, and my mind was focused on other things - actually, I think I was listening in on someone chatting with a friend about the Cardinals' record - and I thought I was at the end of the steps when I wasn't. I ended up falling, and I messed my ankle up. I don't guess I twisted it, but something didn't land the right way. I was able to walk on it, but with a limp, and it's now swollen. I am just so grateful it wasn't worse. I may not be an athlete, but I still like using my feet. Anyway, how exciting for all of this to happen at a baseball stadium!

I can't get the images to work, but here's a link to a few photos from the game: LINK

My cousin has talked about this at school constantly, quoting the movie and attempting to act out some of the moves. I laughed so much at his impressions that I didn't know what I would think of the movie, but I finally got to watch it today. I know I'm way behind when it comes to cinema, but this thing was great. The action, visuals, story, were all incredible. Not to mention the sexy Spartans. I would refrain from being a typical girl, but I understand Bethie is a fan of Gerard Butler, who plays the central character of King Leonidas, so this is very necessary to cover. Bethie, have you seen it??

Last edited by ginaitaliangirl; 04/08/07 01:45 AM.