Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I generally think that Tarantino's films have become progressively more messy, more bloated, less controlled and less disciplined as he's moved through each film.

His dialogue is tedious at best now, and his films haven't been of visual interest since Pulp Fiction.

That's probably why I've enjoyed them so much. They're just so outlandish and over-the-top. As I said, I just felt that QT's and RR's last 2 movies seem to come out better because it looks like they REALLY enjoyed themselves poking fun at old Asian martial arts flicks or Grind House films. Sin City wasn't poking fun at anything, it was just simply the greatest comic book movie ever made (sorry Bats, but it's true).

Uhh, no. It's true because you say so?

Hey, how's it going?