Grindhouse ****
(First Viewing)

An homage to exploitation B-movie thrillers that combines two feature-length segments into one double-bill designed to replicate the grind house theatergoing experience of the 70s and 80s. In "Death Proof," a psycho named Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) stalks and kills beautiful women with his car. In "Planet Terror," a small-town sheriffs' department has to deal with an outbreak of murderous, infected people called "sickos." A gun-legged woman named Cherry (Rose McGowan) and her martial arts-wielding partner (Freddy Rodriguez) take on the zombie army. The two films will be fused together by fake movie trailers.

THIS is why I go to the movies. For my money, it doesn't get any better than a Robert Rodriguez & Quentin Tarantino double-feature. Planet Terror I enjoyed for it's cast (Rose McGowan, Marley Shelton, Bruce Willis and Michael Parks) and also because it had the very grainy look to it that made it visually just look worn and beat down. Death Proof I probably enjoyed more because I'm biased towards Quentin Tarantino but also because Kurt Russell got to play a bad guy (not to mention the hotties: Vanessa Ferlito, Rosario Dawson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Not to mention the HILARIOUS trailer's such as Machete, Thanksgiving, Don't and Werewolf Women on the SS. To me, Quentin and Robert's last 2 efforts (Kill Bill and Sin City respectively) just seem to be more personal projects for these directors and it seems to show in the final product because I've enjoyed their latest films to their earlier work. I made a prediction that either 300 or Grindhouse would be my favorite movie of the year and after one viewing, I give the title to Grindhouse with 300 being a close 2nd. Finally, this is one movie that has to be seen on the big screen. Do yourself the favor, fork over the matinée price of $5.50-$6 and SEE THIS MOVIE IN THE THEATERS! Please don't wait for it to come on DVD.