Sorry I've been gone from here for so long, ladies! CUTE picture of baby Joshua, Bethie.

Astros news...

We're 0-4.

Oh, good Astros news?

"Astros to retire Bagwell's No. 5
Legend surprised with news during pregame ceremony"


It was a difficult time when Bags first broke away from the club because some wished he could keep playing while others knew it was his time to go. His reason for leaving being injury made it much harder on him because I know he wanted to still be out on the field, physically able to do what he loved. I wished he could, but I also knew that, in the shape he was in, it would probably do more harm than good. I guess it's just a matter of knowing when your time is up, and it seems Bagwell has come to terms with that. He'll continue work with the club, through coaching and work in the front office, and he now has more time to spend with his family. He had an amazing career, and fans will always remember his accomplishments and the impact he had on the Astros.

"Jeff Bagwell is one of the greatest players ever to wear an Astros uniform or the uniform of any Major League team," said McLane, who also presented Bagwell with the first base used at the 2005 World Series. "Jeff is a true leader who exemplifies what a Hall of Famer is all about both on and off the field.