Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: bogey
I bought Pulp Fiction, Snatch, and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels today. Yaaayyyy.

I love SNATCH. Well, that didn't come out right, but it's a great movie anyway.

Dennis Farina was great as Cousin Avi. Guy Ritchie was accused of ripping off LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS, his own movie, for God's sake, but I don't look at it like that. It stands on it's own two feet.

Yeah, I love snatch too.

Wait wait, oh you mean SNATCH the movie...yeah I love it too.

SNATCH is as much of a "ripoff" of LOCK/STOCK as CASINO is to GOODFELLAS.

In other words, whoever said it....SHUT UP!