Newly elected Governor Chet Culver passed legislation increasing tax on cigarettes in his new "health care initiative". It moved Iowa from being in the forties to number 17 in highest cigarette tax in the nation. Missouri, at 17-cents tax for a pack, is the nations second lowest. Especially living in southeast Iowa, it would be easy for me to drive to Missouri, buy cigarettes, and bring them back for much less of a price. I know many smokers who will actually try this (although it will ultimately cost them more to drive down there). According to the Des Moines Register, a Kwik Shop in Bethany, MO (23 miles from the border), tripled its sells the day the tax became law. Now I supported Culver's race into office, I even went to see him speak at the hospital about this new tax. I think the tax is bullshit. More of the government telling us what's right or wrong. And if you are serious about the tax, more funding for the state, then cut the political bullshit. It's not a tax to watch out for people's health, it's a tax to fuck them out of cash so the state can have more. The politician's masquerade is understandable, but then the hospital went along with it all as if it were a blessing, and they're also getting fucked. Smokers are to doctors as criminals are to cops.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin