Originally Posted By: fathersson
Yes, you love hearing that about the Yankees don't you. Sets you right off doesn't it. The real facts is that the Yankees couldn't even BUY the Championship now could they.

Then what's the problem? For most problem #1 in baseball is that the Yankees continue to win and "buy" players. Yet they haven't won a World Series since 2000. Now if they win this year, that's all you'll hear is the Yankees bought it.

 Originally Posted By: fathersson
and yes, I can see why you are so popular around school you try to rub things in your classmates faces, so sad. They all seem to find you out and pick on your poor Yankees now don't they. You need to take anger management courses or go to the Yankee withdrwal ward at least.

Kind of like yourself, if they're gonna shovel sh*t and say the Astros are the greatest, then they need to be able to take it when they lose and the Yankees win. And I'm good on the anger management/Yankee withdrawal wards. Just passionate baby! Whether loved or hated, I'm proud to be passionate. And it's funny how I don't see many Astro fans out anymore. When they were in the series back in 2005, everywhere you turned their was an Astros fan. I think it's safe to say those bandwagon fans are onto other bandwagon's now.

 Originally Posted By: fathersson
My Tigers, My Redsox, My Cards....you are the one giving me all these teams. I hate to tell you Irish- I am a YANKEE FAN!