Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

People have no problem going up to complete strangers and asking them why they smoke when they KNOW it's bad for them (in the condescending manner of a non-smoker, btw). However, I don't think those same people would walk up to an obese stranger working on their 2nd Big Mac and ask them why they're indulging themselves at the risk of a massive coronary.

I absolutely hate those people.

[TRUE STORY] - When I used to work in the City I was forced outside to have a cigarette. One day I was standing in front of my office, minding my own business, smoking a cigarette. This little old lady, as proper looking as you would ever see, came walking over to me and asked, "Didn't your mother ever tell you that you shouldn't smoke"?

Without missing a beat, I snarled back at her, "Didn't your mother ever tell you that you shouldn't talk to strangers"?

She laughed at that, but I hafta say I was REALLY ticked at her.

Looks like I'm gonna start driving out to Southhampton again (where the Indian reservations are). A carton of my ciggies goes for $33 out there.... that's compared to about $75 if this tax goes through. Even with the price of gas rapidly approaching $3/gallon I'll come out waaaaaay ahead. (The roundtrip drive is about 2½ hours). So, in order to save a considerable amount of money I'm gonna drive my car and pollute the atmosphere. You know what?? FUCK IT!!!
