Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

I stumbled across this little gem by accident tonight. Rodney Dangerfield stars as Monty Capuletti, a lifetime drinker and gambler, who has to stay sober for one year in order to inherit his mother in law's fortune. Joe Pesci is absolutely priceless as his best friend Nicky, "Who am I ? I'm the guy that put the bathrooms in this joint!". Jeffrey Jones, of FERRIS BUELLER fame, plays the ultimate foil, as Monty's brother in law, who is constantly trying to sideline Monty's attempts at sobriety in order to inherit the money himself. Is it great filmmaking ? Probably not, but for my money, it's one of the funniest movies ever made. I highly recommend it.

I've only seen it once but I enjoyed it. But you gave it zero stars