You should take a look at the masters of booing- Philadelphians. I've personally seen children booed, Little Leaguers, who took the field prior to a Phillies game and made some errors.

Once, on the day before Easter they had an egg hunt on the field and the fans booed the kids, who couldn't find the eggs.

At halftime at an Eagles game, a man entertained on the field by having his dog catch thrown frisbees. When the dog raced thirty yards for a descending disc, and then missed it at the last second, thundering boos from 60,000 filled the stadium.

That year, Santa Claus was booed lustily.

Speaking of Eagle fans, the crowd cheered wildy when Michael Irvin suffered a neck injury, was placed in traction and crted him off the field as he lay motionless.

The most shocking display came from fans, who made fun of visiting wide receiver Joe Jurevicius before a playoff game because his young son had recently died from an illness. While this incident didn't represent a large segment of fans, it involved more than a dozen.

Also, Mike Schmidt was booed throughout most of his career, largely because he was the highest paid player in the game ($250,000) in the 70s, and their expectations were unrealistic. On the bright side, when he was inducted into the Hall, fans showed up in record numbers.