Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I think maybe Yankee fans are more openly passionate and emotional about their team.

I agree with that statement. The thing I've always noticed about New York is they'll love you when you're performing. However, when you're not, they'll let you know about it and boo. But the booing I don't think needs to be taken so personally. From my perspective, it's just a kick in the a$$ to the player. The fans know they can perform better than they are and the booing is really just a wake up call.

However, in A-Rod's unfortunate case, the deck is stacked against him because of his huge contract. Sure maybe he "should" have won a World Series with the Yankees already but I'm still pulling for him to do it this year. Last year I was on A-Rod's case somewhat by midseason because last year was a "subpar" year for A-Rod in my eyes (he still had a very good year though statistically). But again, watching the game on ESPN yesterday, I heard a lot of boos and a lot of cheers so I wouldn't say it was the entire Yankee Stadium one way or the other ;\)