The Good Shepherd ** 1/2
(Second Viewing)

Edward Wilson, the only witness to his father's suicide and member of the Skull and Bones Society while a student at Yale, is a morally upright young man who values honor and discretion, qualities that help him to be recruited for a career in the newly founded Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency). While working there, his ideals gradually turn to suspicion influenced by the Cold War paranoia present within the office. Eventually, he becomes an influential veteran operative, while his distrust of everyone around him increases to no end. His dedication to his work does not come without a price though, leading him to sacrifice his ideals and eventually his family.

Definitely better with a second viewing but still very long. A great cast of characters round up Robert De Niro's 2nd directoral duty, including Matt Damon (he's beginning to become like Edward Norton in that they don't do many bad movies. Name a bad Edward Norton or Matt Damon movie), Angelina Jolie, William Hurt, Alec Baldwin, Joe Pesci (back after an 8 year hiatus), Michael Gambon, John Turturro, and the man himself Mr. Robert De Niro. I wouldn't consider it the best spy movie ever but it's up there. Give it a shot pizzaboy on Tuesday if you haven't seen it already (or give it another shot) ;\)