This has no spoilers at all!!!

Sounds like, for the most part, local business areas that Chase has decided to use for the show will sorry to see the Sopranos go. Here are a few excerpts, maybe some of you have seen this article already, but I hadn't. (link to entire article is below). I assume those in Jersey/NYC know most areas they speak of. \:\)

"When the pig is on the roof, people know "The Sopranos" are not far behind. The life-size pig sits on an old boarded-up building that will soon come to life as Satriale's, a fictional pork store where Tony Soprano and his Jersey crew hang out on HBO's acclaimed mob drama."

"The Irish-American Association, which occupies the building next to Satriale's, takes down its Irish flag and flies an Italian flag during filming. The association has been paid $20,000 in rental fees over the years, said Richard Dunleavy, past vice president. The town of Kearny has collected permit fees of $76,650."

"The end of the show also will mean a different look for various "Sopranos" locales. The Satriale's building will be torn down and replaced with condos and a parking garage. In nearby Lodi, the Satin Dolls strip club, better known as the Bada Bing, will be renovated."

Jersey Saying Goodbye to the Sopranos


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon