Originally Posted By: olivant
Somebody take pity and let me know if Rocky Balboa wins or loses the fight. No, you will not spoil it for me.

I won't say it, but think it through olivant. Stallone made ROCKY BALBOA as the only true proper sequel to the first movie, and its about cyclical history. Now what happened to Rocky in the match in numero uno?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh and Capo...I seem to agree with you on the satisfying ROCKY BALBOA, the enjoyable if nothing remarkable SUPERMAN RETURNS, the overrated THE ILLUSIONIST(folks, stick to THE PRESTIGE), and the very very very blandly safe WORLD TRADE CENTER.

If anything Capo, I think you abolishing your star-rating has helped your reviews out. The words, not your stars, define the reviews.

If only I was that confident enough in MY words....