Fredo's attendance at the Sollazzo meeting is more about a show of strength than it is about Fredo's actual input or involvement with any business decision. The presence of Fredo and the caporegimes, Tessio and that fat Clemenza, are meant as a silent but very visible show of support for Vito's decision regardless if they agree with his decision or not. Vito spoke FOR EVERYONE (until Sonny speaks out-of-turn), and Sollazzo should have left that meeting with the knowledge that the entire family was solidly behind the Don's decision to decline Sollazzo's offer to participate in the drug trade.

It doesn't matter what Fredo's actual role was in the family at that moment; Fredo is perceived as a capo and that meeting is required attendance for him if only to create the impression that EVERYONE is opposed to a partnership with Sollazzo. Fredo might have been conspicuous by his absence for that meeting.

On the other hand, would Fredo have been at that meeting if Vito had said yes to Sollazzo's offer? In my opinion, probably not. He would have been sent on some important errand while Vito and the rest of the family discussed the intimate details of the deal.

tony b.

"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"