Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I have never seen Independence Day, but I was under the impression it was a blockbuster in the theaters and I just assumed it was good. Then again, I don't like "all" SciFi movies either. A matter of taste I guess.


It was a Blockbuster hit. The budget was $75 million and went on to gross over $306 million (not a bad return, huh?). Plus, this was at least for me, the movie that made Will Smith an A-list movie star. He was wrapping up on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and the year before this he did Bad Boys but again, this movie made so much bank at the box office, it was hard not to look at Will differently. It's where the kid from Fresh Prince grew up. But as I said, I still love the movie and it's one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time.

Wow, you totally ignored BAD BOYS, you know...that action movie that despite being an empty LETHAL WEAPON clone, actually made hard cash a whole year before ID4. The Will Smith fan letter is sincere and nice, but at least acknowledge history right.

Bad Boys budget was $23 million and it only made a little over $65 million at the box office. I stick with my original analysis of Will Smith and how Independence Day catapulted him into stardom thank you very much