Nothing more than what some others have heard and posted on wikipedia:

I dont know about if the Day Lewis and Keitel castings will happen, but who knows.

Speaking of which, I know a few people on BB.Net, and in PMs sent to me, that questioned about the Teddy Roosevelt movie, and let me tell you this.

Most think of Roosevelt as a big-heavy imperialist President that was an athletic redneck.

Yet that movie, I think might happen for 2010 at this rate, will be about Teddy's early young days when after his wife and mother died on the same night(damn Reaper, what had a dinner date to make?) and he went out west to find himself, blah blah, becomes a cowboy...

Its good historical material to work with to craft into a drama. But some also criticize the Leo DiCaprio casting. That former teen idol of TITANIC has seriously improved as an actor under Scorsese's watch. Hell, I think he was screwed out of a Best Actor Oscar nod for THE DEPARTED.

Anyway, since this is a young Teddy before gaining weight, Leo would fit that, but people forget that the Roosevelts were as eastern establishment old wealth as you can get in New York City, aristocratical and heavily educated and influent in several languages. Hell, he read ANNA KARENINA, that massive as hell Russian book from Leo Tolstoy, in a week.

Besides, Nick Meyers is always a capable scriptwriter. His Sherlock Holmes books are considered to be the best works written on the character after Doyle died. His screenplay should be interesting. Who knows, maybe it'll encourage someone to let him direct again, and he was good at it(TIME AFTER TIME, STAR TREK 2: THE WRATH OF KAHN, THE DAY AFTER, TREK VI: UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY)