Originally posted by johnny ola:
isn't the purpose of these boards to discuss the films with other fans?
Um, perhaps not exactly, Johnny.

There are some who would say that the purpose is to discuss only those questions which some self-appointed arbiters of worthiness deem as worthy of discussion.

That gives our self-appointed arbiters

1- The opportunity to insult other members by referring to their age and implying that someone who is not an adult cannot have any thoughts, questions, or ideas worthy of discussion,

2- The chance to belittle any member, regardless of their age, by suggesting that their thoughts, questions or ideas are not worthy of discussion, and

3- The occasion to make new members feel unwelcome by belittling and demeaning their thoughts, questions, or ideas.

Can't tell you how many potentially interesting new members we've lost that way...

People who posted something, only to be demeaned and belittled for what they wrote, and never seen or heard from again.

Ah, well.....

I guess you need a thick skin to be a member of the Gangster BB. ohwell

"Difficult....not impossible"