Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Johnny Ola, I'm going to leave you alone because I know you are just a kid. You have alot of years ahead of you to enjoy and learn from all the Godfather films (well, except for GFIII).

I can only suggest you use them wisely and don't get too dependent upon this board to answer every question that comes into your head. You'll find it's alot more fun to just watch the movies and delight in each revelation as it comes to you...on your own.

Kid? Well aren't you the Miss Know-it-all! First of all, isn't the purpose of these boards to discuss the films with other fans? If we just, as you suggested, just watched the movies and only delighted in the each new revelation, without sharing thoughts with other on this message board, then there would be no reason for these boards to exist!

As for being a kid, in many ways I am, but not in years! I know nothing about you, but as for me, I read the novel, before I saw the film before it first came out in theaters!

If you find my questions to be silly and childish, then please refrain from answering my queries. grin

I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.