Even though he didn't have the stuff last week, I still think that the Yankees have invested a bit too much time in Rasner to send him down (aka having to put him on the waiver wire and the Nats, who have already said so, will snatch him back), and Karstens still can move freely between MLB and AAA without fear of being grabbed on the wire. So I think Karstens, by default, will head to Scranton-Wilkes Barre, if for no other reason than to make sure that he's fully healed, and to give Rasner a shot as a starter.


Once again, totally impressed by Josh Phelps, he is crushing the ball, and looks good on defense as well. Can't believe other teams let this guy get away. He makes both Eye-Chart and Phillips look silly in comparison. I'd be totally happy having Giambi and Phelps as my two first basemen (read: bring back Bernie!!!)

As it stands now, we're going to carry THREE first basemen, which is total crap. I mean, let's look at the rest of the bench:

Outfield - Melky Cabrera, Kevin Thompson (if necessary)
Infield - Miguel Cairo, Chris Basak/Andy Cannizaro (if necessary)
Catcher - Todd Pratt/Wil Nieves/Raul Chavez/Ben Davis
First Base - Giambi, Mientkeiwicz, Phelps

I mean, we're carrying three first basemen, two of whom will be on the bench in interleague play, and granted, Phelps doubles as a catcher, but still. I'd rather see them keep up utility like Kevin Thompson (or hell, get Bernie back) than keep Eye-Chart, but maybe they'll figure this out by the midway point of the season...


I still don't see how Mussina and Igawa can be ignored as opening day starters. For the longest time, all we've heard was it should be Wang, Pettitte or Moose as the man. Now, what the hell, because of a scheduled start, Moose is out of the picture? WTF? C'mon.

And for the record, these are the spring stats of Igawa vs. Matsuzaka:

Kei Igawa
IP   H    R   BB  K
17   13   5   12  19

Daisuke Matsuzaka
IP     H    R   BB  K
17.6   9    4    7  19

Now, let's do some adjusting. Igawa had a hard time adjusting to the Major League hill, and it hurt his control in the early going. By that same token, Matsuzaka kicked the shit out of Boston College (I hear they're going to be an expansion team in the MLB next year, right? ), which has inflated his numbers some to look better than they are. Adjusted:

Kei Igawa (adjusted)
IP   H    R   BB  K
16   10   5   9   22

Daisuke Matsuzaka (adjusted)
IP   H    R   BB  K
19   10   5    8  17

Considering their respective price tags and expected roles...who's looking smart now?


Steve Swindal has been done like Tom Hagen. "You're out, Steve." Divorcing George's daughter probably finishes off any chances he'll end up as the leader in Yankeedom. It probably should go to either Hank or Hal, his sons, or Felix Lopez, his other son in law and a Senior VP in the Yankees organization.

Or, maybe Brian Cashman should marry a Steinbrenner daughter and take the reigns himself? \:\)


One last thing. Abreu looks like a MONSTER since returning. He's pounding the ball, and he's got great speed. I'll miss you, Sheff, but not your attitude. Abreu has some class, and tremendous skill...and unlike you, he doesn't strike out. \:D