Originally Posted By: Letizia B.
 Originally Posted By: SC
When the Dodgers moved to LA it was unthinkable to root for them.

That's my cue. But I still love you, SC!

Sorry I'm late, I haven't been around in a while... but I'm glad I didn't completely miss this, at least! I hope you had a great birthday, and may you have, as we say, many, many more!

I really should have been clearer in writing that... I meant to say after the Dodgers left Brooklyn it was unthinkable to root for the Yankees (being that they were the only team left in NYC). In thinking about it, though, it was also unthinkable to continue rooting for the Dodgers simply because they left Brooklyn.

Anyway, I appreciate your good wishes and thank you for them, Zia. You're a class act!
