So how are we grading "good" and "shit" then? Somebody wants to set out to be popular and they become popular. Success. Goal achieved.

But it's "shit"?

"Non-music fans"? That doesn't make sense. That's sounds very elitist, to me. "You like that band, and since I don't consider them music, you don't like music."

It's almost the same as saying "Music is inherently a good thing. If something is bad, it isn't music." This is even more rampant in Literature, wherein a hierarchy, or "canon", has been around since I don't know when. Everything which falls into it is Literature, and thus worth reading, worth studying, and everything which doesn't, isn't Literature.

It's like using the terms "Literature" and "Music" and "Art" as labels which are meant to be some kind of measurement of value. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?