I, for one, am so tired of "celebrities" that I keep my homepage set to my mail page so I don't even have to see them in the news or entertainment sections of Yahoo or AOL.

Do I care that Lindsay's drinking again ? Fuck her and those $40,000 a month rehabs! There are people who would love the opportunity to truly get sober who lay in the streets waiting for a bed to open up. It's sinful.

My neighbor is a drug counselor, the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He hasn't had a drink in like 14 years and the stories that he tells me are just so scary that they could move you to tears. Young men and women dying in the streets because they couldn't get a bed at Bellevue, etc...I almost feel guilty if I'm having a cold beer when he comes by.

Then I see these kids, who are making millions of dollars, and only agree to go to rehab so insurance companies will bond them on movie sets. Then when they're done with the movie, they're out sticking it in everyone's face, by showing up on PAGE 6, throwing up in a Hollywood nightclub.

They make me sick.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.