Children of Men ***
(First Viewing)

Set in 2027, when no child has been born for 18 years and science is at loss to explain the reason, African and East European societies collapse and their dwindling populations migrate to England and other wealthy nations. In a climate of nationalistic violence, a London peace activist turned bureaucrat Theo Faron, joins forces with his revolutionary ex-wife Julian in order to save mankind by protecting a woman who has mysteriously became pregnant.

Clive Owen delivers his usual great work and Alfonso CuarĂ³n did a fine job directing. It was rather humerous seeing Michael Caine as a stoner with that long white hair

Warning, Spoiler:
And could Julianne Moore have had a smaller part? Geez, I figured she'd be in the entire movie and a shot to the throat takes her out in the first 20-30 minutes