You know who actually knew how to blow stuff up without the same old orange keroscene fires? James Cameron. He exploded a bloody office building in TERMINATOR 2. Better yet, he had a wonderful one-take shot of a helicopter flying under a bridge. Now that is cool....Bay though, he would edit it with at least 40 different shot-choices and make this accomplish seem quaint.

If anyone wants to read a great review of ARMAGEDDON, read this epic review from the always funny Agony Booth website. They got that fucker dialed down to a zero...and its accurate.

"Somehow, some way, Michael Bay over-directed this movie to the point where it lost all trace of the one thing that all movies have taken great pains to cultivate since the dawn of cinema. You can call it a long music video. You can call it a two and a half hour commercial. Call it a 150-minute trailer if you like. But in my mind, Armageddon has no right to call itself a movie."

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/22/07 04:38 AM.