Originally Posted By: olivant
By the way, just saw a rerun where Tony tells Sil to forget about pressuring the building inspector about Carmela's house. Why did he tell Sil that?

Tony was being a prick (by telling Sil to forget it) because he was angry that Carmella was too involved with her spec house and was to busy to be a housewife (no dinners, etc.). He figured if Carm wasn't involved with the house she'd have more time to spend on catering to him.

Different topic - there was a scene with Vito in bed with his lover (Johnny Cakes) after just finishing dinner. Vito rolls over on his side and his partner starts to "spoon" and the very next scene breaks to a train going into a tunnel (Bobby Bacala playing with his trainset).

Its one of the funniest things of the season.
