I think the biggest problem with Part 3 is that its about the Corleone Family. If it were about a different Mob Family i think it would be a better movie - not that it isn't a good movie, but its weighed down by the anticpation you get if you have watched Parts 1 and 2.

Having said that - i would love to sit and do a comparison between the two movies. For instance - Joey Zaza and Don Fanucci both murdered at the same ceremony (forgive someone born Catholic - i can't remember the exact name of the ceremony) but Fanucci was killed in Part 2 with a certain amount of style by young Vito - Zaza is just brutally gunned down.

And the deaths of Vito and Michael - while both being similar (both men of violence dying in decidedly un violent circumstances) i can't help but be reminded that Vito dies while playing with his grandson and Michael dies, presumably an embittered old man.

I am sure there are other similarities between Part 3 and the other two movies.

Part 3, i believe, is on AMC again tomorrow night. I'll be watching.