1- Sofia? Agreed; she was terrible

2- Vincent? I liked his character. I found nothing wrong with the fabrication of new and interesting characters for the third installment. They did it in GF II with Pentangelli, Roth, Ola, etc. Vincent may not have been as interesting as Roth or Pentangelli but, as I say, I liked him and to me has was not one of the reasons III was a lesser film.

3- The love affair may be seen by some as ridiculous, but it was a rather unique and unexpected storyline.

I think the problem that people have with it is their overall objection in real-life to an affair between first cousins, rather than the cinematic portrayal of one.

4- Yes, the absence of Tom hagen was a major detriment to the film; in my mind, the biggest. You can't have a Godfather film without Tom Hagen. Case closed.

5- And George Hamilton as his replacement? Even sillier an idea than not having Tom in there. When you cmpare Pentangelli replacing Clemenza with B.J. Harrison replacing Tom Hagen, you have to laugh.

6- Al over the top? Nor really, IMO. The character was different. Michael, the man, had evolved. He wasn't meant to be chilling any longer. He was meant, I think, to be pitied - at least to the extent that you can feel pity for a first class son of a bitch like Michael Corleone.

"Difficult....not impossible"