Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
This happened a couple months ago, and I thought it was just a fluke, until it happened again last week.

I use a computer at work all the time, but I do have a typewriter, which I hardly ever use except to maybe quickly address an envelop.

There was a couple students in the office and one came up to me while I was typing an envelope and said to me, "what's that?" I looked at him wondering if he was being a smart ass, and said, "it's a typewriter". He says "no way". Another student popped up and both were open-mouthed watching me type in amazement. I jokingly told them both to "sit down, you're making me feel old."

There happened to be a parent in the office who saw it and she said she had her old records out a while back, and her son said, "wow, what huge cd's".

Thinking about it, I guess it does make sense. Who has a typewriter anymore? A thing of the past. Our kids/grandkids will never have occasion to use one most likely. Just thought I'd share. I got a real chuckle out of it.


Surely they've seen pictures, etc. of typewriters.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."