THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980) - ***** - Masterpiece

Every summer blockbuster sequel has followed the blueprints drawn up by the prototype summer blockbuster sequel: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.

Bigger budget, bigger effects, bigger scale, more action, bigger stakes, a cliffhanger leading up to Part 3...hell, the second PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movie had all that from last summer, as did THE MATRIX RELOADED, and others before it.

Yet the edge that gives EMPIRE the edge over STAR WARS is the same one that still maintains its imperial reign over the other sequels. With the adventure and popcorn action, there is a moodyness to it, that background sense of imminent doom to the heroes. Their backs are to the wall, and there is no escape.

Plus, the movie ends on a downer that Hollywood is really allergic to these days with their tentpole flicks....the hero gets his hand chopped off and gets his ass whooped by the baddie, the badass mercenary becomes a carbonite POW, and the Empire is going Nazi-Gestapo on everyone.

With the credits rolling, there is such an impression that the 3rd and "last" STAR WARS chapter would kick so much ass. Opps.

Anyway, about the legendary twist anyone that actually saw the movie back in 1980, did the twist REALLY surprise you all? Was it as much of a mind-screw job as so many of a generation claim it is?