
I had a manual typewriter through most of grade/high school -- what a bitch it was typing footnotes! Then I upgraded to a fancy, new electric typewriter. Much better, but still a pain in the ass. And loud! I still have it, but haven't used it in years. I can't imagine trying to fill out a long form (like a college admissions form) with a computer, so thought it was good to have one around. By Grad School I had taken my old Apple //e from my parents house to use for my papers -- attached to a dot matrix printer! \:D

I can't imagine how much better my grades would've been had I had a computer, color printer, and Internet back then! (Then again, I'm sure at the same time I'd've been doing everything but researching and typing a paper! )

Most worthwhile class I've ever taken was Typing in high school -- who'd've known how important that would turn out to be! (I suppose my 2 computer programming classes in high school were helpful, too ;\) )

As for vinyl LPs and 45s, I still have all mine. Last year my parents got me one of those LP/CD/radio/cassette thingies so now I can play them again. I have too much vinyl that'll never be released on CD probably (bootlegs, singles, etc), so good to have.... But I am bummed that my 8-track player doesn't work any more!!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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