
All that you say makes a lot of sense and seems to fit into the scheme of things. But let's keep in mind that when FFC made the Godfather I movie, there was never even a thought about making GFII. So therefore there couldn't have been an attempt to lay the groundwork in GFI for the plot in GFII regarding Michael, Roth and Fredo.

What I do believe though is what I wrote in a previous post that Green probably was the one who put thoughts in Fredo's head. Not so much to make Fredo betray Michael, but probably more so to make Fredo feel inferior to Green, so that Green could order him around without any back talk and at the same time show others around him that he, Green, really was this important guy, so important that he could even order and slap around a Corleone and get away with it! In the context of Godfather I being a movie on it's own, Green probably put those thoughts in Fredo's head for his own benefit, to serve his own ego, and really nothing more.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.