Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
2005 BB Get-Together

CW - If you check out this thread from General Discussion, you'll find out who all of those in the photo are. Pages 10 and 11 have the most photos.
Thank you for the link, SB [Linked Image]. As I perused it, I had a sense of déja vu; and then I realized its source: Don Cardi provided that link in one of his posts about 5 or 6 months ago, shortly after I joined this BB. There was so much material there (it's a 19-page thread, remember cool ), that I think I became overwhelmed; and as a result, I didn't at first recognize some of the people in the above 2 photos. But it's all coming back to me now ...

From reading your link 6 months ago, I of course remember what you (and Mr. Babe) look like. Don Geoff is also very recognizable. I used to get Don Cardi and SC mixed up; but now that I've seen their pictures a few times, I'm finally getting it straight that SC is the one with the mustache (and Don Cardi is the one with the temper -- especially toward waiters; I hope at this year's GanagsterBB, the restaurant remembers to thaw the desserts grin ).

Although I think I can now accurately identify who is in the photos, still need some help. SB, tell me if my guesses are right:

[Linked Image]

l to r: Right off the bat, I'm stumped; I don't know who that distinguished looking fellow with the beard is. Does he have a BB user name? Next, is Don Cardi, followed by... I'm not sure, but SB, is that you? If I look closely, I see a pair of glasses. Next is the partial head of someone who I believe is Lori (I've seen her often in photos with Don Geoff; does she have a user name on this BB? Maybe I've debated with her and not even realized it). I believe that the next person is TIS, then Geoff, SC, and someone named Don Sicilia, whom I don't recall encountering on these boards (so I don't know if I've had the pleasure of arguing with him!)

Next picture:

[Linked Image]

l to r, back row: OMG, is that Apple? She looks so Italian. Because of the Kay avatar, I had a totally different picture in my mind. I was expecting her to look like... well, Kay. Next is Lori; then Mignon's daugher, Becky (who turned quite a few heads, so I've read wink ), and Mignon. The people in the front row, of course, need no introduction.

How did I do?

BTW, I must comment on this photo from the link you provided:

[Linked Image]

As soon as I first saw that photo 6 months ago, I noted that Mr. Babe looks just like a man who used to work at the same place of employment I did. All the gals working there had a crush on him wink . I wonder if Mr. Babe has the same problem where he works.