RRA Tired of Non-Important Yankee Camp Tidbits

EAST TENNESSEE - While the New York Yankees are enjoying a nice series of internet and newspaper articles regarding storylines and minor events, not everyone is happy.

"There are some legitimate stories for the Yankees at Spring Training. Is this Joe Torre and A-Rod's last season at New York? Can Derek Jeter deliver another MVP-like season of numbers? Can the bullpen get its act back together? But when it becomes little stories of Cano always being worried, or frequent hypercondriac Pavano crying about being out of routine, is that really news?"

This comes from RonnieRocketAgo(which we will refer to him as such, since he doesn't want his full name Joe Gayeski exposed to the public), a lifelong baseball fan and even a rare fan outside of New York City that doesn't hate the Yankees.

"In a way, the media coverage of Yankees camp is like the real world I guess. We have a bloody civil war that we're stuck in at Iraq. AIDS and Famine own Africa. Osama Bin Laden is still out there. Obama and Hillary are slugging each other. Instead, we only pay attention to stories that don't matter, like Anna Nicole Smith's death and Anne Coulter calling John Edwards a queer."

But "RRA" wants everyone to know he doesn't hate the Yankees at all.

"Unlike most baseball fanboys, like say Boston, the Yanks are not an evil empire. Its just a commercial imperialist club that exploits the hell out of the legality that Bud Selig allows. But Papa George Steinbrenner is evil. He was a roommate of Bob Novak, Idia Amin, and Lucifer over at Princeton."