Originally Posted By: BDuff
Well it's that time of year again, that time where HBO begins airing promos for "The Sopranos". Sad to say that this will be the final season of Tony and gang . Only 27 more days till television's best show begins it's end (tear). Well hopefully this year will be great. Last season was so-so, the Vito storyline dragged too long, and nothing really "major" happened other than the whacking's of Vito and his killer Fat Dom. Here are my prediction for the final season:

1. Phil Leotardo will die of natural causes
2. Little Carmine will return to New York and attempt to take the spot of Boss
3. A New York/New Jersey mob war will happen
4. AJ actually turns his life around
5. Carmella finds the truth behind what really happened with Adriana
6. Key characters will be killed as a result from the NY/NJ war such as:
Carlo Gervasi
Patsy Parisi
Benny Fazio
Bobby Baccala
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultieri
Christopher Moltisante

7. With most of their companions dead, Silvio and Tony turn government informants and leak information about Little Carmine to the F.B.I. and it gets him put in jail
8. Johnny Sac will committ suicide in jail out of fear that Carmine will have him killed
9. Meadow and Finn DeTrolio get married and move to California
10. Carmella leaves Tony after finding out what happened to Adriana
11. With the death of Bobby, Janice moves back to Seattle
12. Junior will die of natural causes
13. Silvio and his wife are moved due to the Witness Protection Program
14. AJ cuts off relations with Tony, wants to start a new life
15. Tony ends up all alone. No family, no friends are left, they're dead or they left.

i think the 2 most accurate predictions would be that of carmela and tony having some kind of falling out after she finds out about adriana, and the ny/nj war is inevitable in a final season, which will result in members of the crew getting killed, who though is hard to say.

paulie will be killed by the russian interior decorator.
"his house looked like shit" (great chris line)

its hard to say what will happen to silvio since he is very "behind the scenes" thats why i cant make a good prediction on sil, but the witness protection thing sounds preatty good

chris will either become defacto boss somehow or be killed by tony or in the ny/nj war. i hope he doesnt get killed tho.

meadow n finn will get married, and have kids. in that last scene at the ice cream parlor i think tony will be with his grandkids n something happens

since we never really heard much about the boss DiMeo who jackie was acting boss for who is serving a life sentence (only heard of him in season 1 on the news) its possible his role might be introduced but who knows this is going to one of the most intriguing final seasons n final episodes in television history

Time You Enjoy Wasting, was not wasted - John Lennon

A man who nevers spends time with his family can never be a real man - Don Vito Corleone