Your asshole talks, like NAKED LUNCH? Wow

what military installation?

Yes, Alcatraz was an American base during the American Civil War, but that basically meant some guys on a piece of rock in San Fran Bay, with some guns and maybe a canon or two. The deepest holes they dug was for the latrines.

Also, I have serious problems with Ed Harris' character motivations in regards to THE ROCK.

He wants to honor his forgotten comrades by bio-weapon bombing the city. Right. Unless he's really a rogue Al Qaeda agent, this is bullshit that no American would think.

Besides, why not simply take over Alcatraz and making it very open? Force it to be public, and embarras the fucking hell out of the American government.

You know, instead of DIE HEAD knock-off #26.

Still, it tells you Michael Bay's lame and terrible career so far when his fans, and haters, seem to agree that this is Bay's best shot film. Talk about being damned with faint praise.

THE ROCK (1996) - **1/2