Originally posted by Signor Vitelli:
Now, as far as when Ex-Lax was first marketed, that would be 1906.
I was wondering about that. Thank you for doing the research for me, Signor V. I always said that I learn something new on these boards with every visit ... and that has to be one of the more colourful factoids that I've encountered wink .
Originally posted by mustachepete:
Per the book, Clemenza's preferred form of killing has the effect of a massive dose of Ex-Lax.
Now there's an observation that conjures up frightful possibilities! mustachepete, you have me intrigued. Because it's been so many years since I've read the book, I can't remember that particular aspect about Clemenza; so I hope you will post back and elaborate. I'm guessing that he employed powerful weapons like machine guns, which literally blew a hole through the victim's mid-section; but that's just a guess... I await your reply for the correct answer cool . [Linked Image]

... By the way, are we sure that part of the book refers to Clemenza and not Luca? Just wondering, as I've heard that Luca relishes those gory deaths wink .