I run a sales training company and we hold three day sales training seminars all over Europe. The other day, one of my guys had double booked us and I knew I was going to have to take the course even though I rarely do any of that now. He came to me and said, "Dave, I have made a big mistake. I have booked a seminar for a company but I didnt check the diary. I can't cover the final day. Is there any way you could do it? I'm really sorry and I wouldn't ask you but...'
I looked at him and and said: "Ok. I will do this for you. It's my company and I wont let anyone down. I will cover the last day for you but watch the diary next time, ok?"
He nodded, and then I followed up with: "Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me."
"No problem, thanks Dave."

It works!!