Ask and thy shall receive. I thought a remake of Escape From New York could be warranted and it looks as if that will come to fruition. I know it's not a movie review but it is movie news.

Butler to Escape NY?

Prior to 300 most people (aside from his rabid PHANTOM OF THE OPERA fans) weren't all that knowledgable about Gerard Butler. Now with the $70 million-plus opening of 300, I don't think Butler will have that problem anymore. Case in point: a bidding war has erupted over a remake of ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK with Butler set to star. CAA put together the package with Butler starring, Neal Moritz producing and a script by Ken Nolan (BLACK HAWK DOWN). Butler would star in the Snake Plissken role Kurt Russell made famous in John Carpenter's cult classic. I'm not sure I fully support a ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK remake (especially one remade by Neal "STEALTH" Moritz) but if there has to be a guy to step in for Russell in Plissken's shoes, Butler is definitely that guy. Butler can be seen next in the dramedy PS, I LOVE YOU with Hilary Swank.

Source: JoBlo