Originally Posted By: Double-J
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Did anyone see the Yankees/Red Sox game? How did Pavano do? I missed all of it except for the last inning, so I know that they lost. Ah, well.

Pavano sucks. Yet again, I can't see why there isn't a push to move him for someone like Texiera or a catching prospect. It boggles the mind. Give Karstens the #5 spot.

I think they will. They'll let him pitch for the first half of the season and see how he does. If he does better than their expections, they might keep him (he's only under contract for 1 more year). If he's sorry he's gone. But Peter Gammons did say his mindset is that he's not listening to the tabloids and rumors. He just wants to go out there, pitch and prove everybody wrong. To me, that's the right frame of mind. Only time will tell.