Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Did anyone see the Yankees/Red Sox game? How did Pavano do? I missed all of it except for the last inning, so I know that they lost. Ah, well.

Pavano sucks. Yet again, I can't see why there isn't a push to move him for someone like Texiera or a catching prospect. It boggles the mind. Give Karstens the #5 spot.

In other news, Josh Phelps had a great night...I think that he's going to win out the 1B job, if Torre has any sense. Phillips is expendable...he's a 30 year old "prospect" with no offense and even though he's a Gold Glove-quality defenseman, the 9th hitter in the order with great defense and zero offense role has already been filled by Mientkeiwicz. Sorry Andy, I really liked you, but bye!