Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: Partagas
S.C. Don Cardi, or Sicilian Babe says "Fuck You" to me -- they are pissed angry.

Hmmmm. Now for some reason I just cannot recall any of the people mentioned above ever saying those words to you. I just don't believe that any of us ever did. I thought that I could do a search using those words along with your name to see if any of us ever did. But I remembered that I can't because you've already told us all f**k you by using the search function yourself and going back and deleting every post that you ever made here.

*DISCLAIMER - The post above does not reflect or represent the opinions of the website that this is posted on and is the sole opinion of the said member himself.

(See, I can make a disclaimer too)

Don Cardi

Deleting posts -- yeah I deleted most of them and it was fun -- a game -- a challenge. Someone PMd me and gave me a hard time (in a joking way) about the percentage of posts that were joke related and that if I eliminated all the jokes I would have less than 100 posts. He was probably correct. Go back and look -- there are still some posts left -- they weren't all deleted including the one that you sent me a PM about.

I was frustrated at the time as all I saw was bickering back and forth between members and did not enjoy the BB as I had done so in the past. I figured I would lay low from the BB for awhile and just keep in touch with the members I enjoyed via e-mail or PMs.

The jokes??? Well I have them in a data base (probably several hundred pages worth) so if you want them back -- hey no problem:)