BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR - (granted the first of every year is generally filled with shit that the studios sunk money into only to decide that it wont make it in either the Summer blockbuster season or the Fall award season)

You know what it is about - 300 Spartans the fiercest fighters of Greece defend everything they know against the insurmountable odds that is the entire force of the Persian armies. It is a true story somewhat but this movie which gets it's name from a Frank Miller comic (mini-series or Graphic novel) goes more for Frank's stylistic approach than historical accuracy.

I can not tell you the last time I was more satisfied when I left a movie (and since I see like one a week most weeks of a year - lets just say I've left alot of movies). It is everything that I wanted or expected from it - it looks beautiful every frame every scene. There is no doubt that every frame has computer enhancement but it does not detract or distract in anyway it is one of the times when it really does add to the aesthetic of the movie.

The action...I almost wet my pants and ejaculated at the same time - I can't recall the last time I saw violence this good, this visceral. There seems to be trend in Hollywood to shoot action closer and closer as if trying to convey the kinetic fury of it, but all that does is shorten the frame and give a claustrophobic viewpoint almost to where you can't see or "feel" what's going on. Well that is something that this movie doesn't suffer from the action explodes off the screen and you get to see every bloody slash, stab, and hit. The scope manages to be massive and personal but never confined the edges of the frame hinting at more violence but not distracting from the focal point - letting the battlefield breath. Or in other words it kicked ass, lots and lots of ass.

The style and action of this movie alone are enough to see it. Hell it's enough to warrant a second viewing in the theater plus a DVD purchase. (of course I own Bats on DVD so that whole buy on DVD recommendation might not hold that much credibility). The movie is not just style and action...ok it is mostly style and action but for god's sake it's damn good style and great action. Both of which feed off of the characters. In that regard King Leonidas is the movie and Gerard Butler is fantastic. He is totally believable as a Spartan ruler both hardened and passionate, arrogant and well arrogant. This movie depends on his performance and it is all the better because of it.

The queen portrayed by Lena Headey had to seem if not on par with Leonidas at least able to stand with him, which she did. Though not given all that much for or as a part she did great with the scenes she had commanding your attention making you believe in what her character was doing and why. Each soldier's character may seem interchangeable with any other but it is that aspect which make the audience believe in their strength and steel like resolve. You care for these men - knowing the result of the battle you still pull for them hope for them - laugh when they laugh feel saddened when one of them falls. It is not just some hollow force your watching but almost a character itself in the Spartans. The Persians were well the bad guys, and your hero is only as good as his opponent. The Persians in 300 were ominous, vicious, unrelenting, and at times freaky. Xerxes the proclaimed God-King was larger than life in every regard (it took over a hundred men to carry his chair) and represented just about the antithesis to every thing Leonidas stood for. (duh hence the totally awesome battle)

10 - like I said best movie of the year

** upon reading comments on another movie I might have to amend to say MOST ENTERTAINING MOVIE OF THE YEAR - as best would seem to encompass tech. aspects and plot and such. *cough *cough *Fincher *cough

Last edited by suspect_5; 03/09/07 06:25 AM.

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