The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen **
(Second Viewing)

In this extraordinary adventure, the Fantom is trying to start a World War, and be at the head of it. The Fantom has highly superior weapons to the normal weapons of that day, and he also has extreme cunning, as we see by his tricking the countries into suspecting each other for war-mongering. A supposed loyalist to her Majesty's Empire is sent to fetch Allan Quatermain(Sean Connery) in an effort to track down the group who is trying to start the war. In a private and secret meeting, Quatermain meets who he is to be teaming up with on this mission. He is accompanied by Captain Nemo (Naseeruddin Shah), Mina Harker (Peta Wilson), Rodney Skinner (the Invisible Man, Tony Curran), Dorian Gray (Stuart Townsend), Tom Sawyer (Shane West), and Dr. Henry Jekyll (Also Mr. Edward Hyde, Jason Flemyng). Soon into their adventure they discover that the Fantom is behind these attacks, but there is more to this war than battle and cunning.

Not as bad the second time around. Sean Connery is always delightful on screen, even if it is in a sub-par movie such as this. What I don't get is, Alan Moore wrote From Hell (which was a wonderful movie), The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and V for Vendetta. However, when the movies came out, he received credits for From Hell and this film, but none for V for Vendetta. Why is that? I know David Lloyd wrote some as well but why only give credit to him and not Alan Moore?