Blade ** 1/2
(Second Vieiwng)

Blade, along with his life-long friend Whistler battle vampires. Blade was born of a mother bitten by a vampire, he possesses all their strengths and none of their weaknesses. He is known as the day walker because sunlight does not affect him. With the addition of a new ally, Dr. Karen Jenson, Blade endeavors to prevent the evil Frost from unleashing the blood god, La Magra, upon the world.

This movie kicked a lot more a$$ with a second viewing. This really surprised me as a good comic book movie because the first time around I wasn't really impressed. Also, I think of comic book movies in 2 ages, pre-2000 and post-2000. Why is 2000 the magic year you may be asking yourself? Because that's when X-Men came out and REALLY started this whole "comic book movie phenomenon" in my mind. Plus the FX in the movies just got better and some shots in Blade and even other movies such as The Crow and Spawn were cheesy. Now don't get me wrong, their were plenty of good comic book movies made prior to 2000, such as the Supreman franchise, the Batman franchise, and Blade. However, I think most of the comic book movies since 2000 have been better like the X-Men franchise, the Spider-Man franchise, Sin City, V for Vendetta, The Punisher, The Fantastic Four, From Hell, Hulk, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and the list goes on and on.

One final note about the movie, Wesley Snipes was bad a$$ as Blade, as was Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost, Arly Jover as Mercury, and finally Kris Kristofferson as Abraham Whistler.