There are of few things im unsure about from the Godfather, part 1 and part 2. They might have been discussed before, and I apologize if they have, but if some one could answer these questions itd be a big help.

How were Johnny Ola, Moe Green, and Hymen(sp?) Roth connected to the Corleone family(what was there background), what business did Roth and Vito Corleone do?

Same with Pentangeli, what was his background? Was he one of Clemenza's guys, or the other way around? Was he the other guy in GF 2 having lunch/dinner with Vito and Clemenza or was it Tessio?

Willi Cicci was one of Pentangeli's guys right?

Did Clemenza take over the buisness in New York when Mike left, and once he died, Pentangeli did?

The Rosato Bros were Roths guys right? or where they in a family?


"We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking." - Goodfellas.